Monday, June 25, 2007

iPhone Hackers

Apple's iPhone is about to roll out to the public and iPhone security issues are being explored publicly. The device is a cell phone, internet browser and iPod that is wifi capable. Developer's Tools will not be available for the iPhone so hacking will be more tricky for malware writer's. Third party vendors will have a tougher time writing software for the iPhone without developer tools which will be an ace in Apple's pocket. Hackers have mostly taken advantage of software developer toolkits to write the malware programs in the past.

The amount of publicity is going to be too tempting for some skilled hackers who want to go after a tough system to "prove themselves". The device will run with the Mac OS X operating system and mostly likely along with the iPod, the iPhone's firmware will be updateable and more than likely updateable over the phone lines along with wifi to make the system quite stealthy. The browser will be Safari which will also be able to be easily updated and constantly ahead of hackers and malware authors.

A draw back to Apple will be that if hackers know the Safari browser vulnerabilites that they will be able to exploit the browser and compromise the system. The biggest threat that affects the iPhone is the number of applications, media formats, etc. that the iPhones supports making the ability to totally secure the device amazingly complex and leaving hackers with a multiple avenue of exploits to utilize. Last but not least is the hackers award of, "I was the first to hack iPhone".

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