Reports are slow to come out, however, news on the new Zeus ver. 3 is that it has emptied bank accounts worldwide. Security experts at M86 Security reports the Zeus3 exploit/trojan is 'highly sophisticated and very dangerous'. The trojan acts as a data collector and also performs illegal online transactions.
The attack was pulled off by [1] infecting legitimate websites (a common means now), [2] creating false advertising sites where infectious code is installed and [3] publishing infected advertisement on legitimate sites. It appears, according to M86 Security, that the Control and Command Center for the cybercriminals was located in Eastern Europe.
The exploits are conducted through browsers that lead to the computer becoming infected.
The infection appears to mostly effecting Great Britain banks where 3,000 accounts have evaporated monetarily from an unnamed bank to the tune of $1 millions. M86 Security reports that so far no security products offered to the public are able to identify or remove the stealthy malware.
Users should make sure the following applications are the latest versions available as the infections only affects Windows Systems:
- Adobe
- Java
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Windows Updates
Always keep your [1] anti-virus and [2] anti-spyware applications updated with the latest signatures! Regardless if this Zeus3 is now unable to be found on infected systems it will shortly as security teams with malware removal products will be working nonstop to get the infection identified, contained and the ability to remove the infections from customer machines.
Do not get hired by a company to transfer money (money mules); this is the preferred way at this point to get the money out of the country! These schemes are international bank fraud with many unsuspecting people involved. Stay educated!
If infected then get a Computer Virus Removal.
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