Wednesday, September 26, 2007

US Government to Curb Chinese Hacking

ABC News Tonight reported that US officials admit the Chinese broke into Pentagon computers successfully. Dallas Computer Repair has seen a dramatic increase in trojans as the war wages on from cyber attacks. The last computer scanned produced and initial 153 trojans and a reboot scan pulled up another 91 trojans. The spyware and adware on the computer was numbered at 253 pieces. The whole attack ended up destroying the boot record that could not be repaired without reinstalling the full system.

The computer contained client data with credit cards, names and addresses. The client was informed that such data was critical to being protected at the fullest extent. I don't think the client understood or refused to understand the need to go out of the way and spend the necessary time and resources to secure the data. That will be in the report/invoice that will be sent to the client without doubt.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Worm Targeting Skype

Skype users should be aware that a new worm is targeting the software by using the chat function to send a message to users about a link to a .jpg that is ready for downloading. The user will then see a dialog box that will ask to 'save or run' a .scr file that should be ignored, according to an article on InformationWeek.

The worm is said to be spreading globally in an alarming rate.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hacked by the Chinese Again

Reports are coming about again how the Chinese are attempting to infiltrate our infrastructure in the United States. They have been recently caught in June trying to gain access to the Pentagon, according to and also have been unofficially caught attempting to gain access to our Naval Intelligence in Alabama as we reported several weeks ago.

Our own website, Dallas Computer Repair, was infiltrated and attempts to cause confusion and duplication within the search engine Google was attempted. The hackers attempted to drop executable files that were noticed and immediately deleted. We are always on the lookout for devious attempts at hijacks within our site and will remain vigilent.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Storm Worm Takes 13 Hour Break Then Reheats

Storm Worm took a 13 hour break over the Labor Day Holiday just to restart with new twists. The new worm campaign began with emails sent to accounts that had a link to a 'Happy Labor Day' greeting card that was a link to a malicious site, according to Dallas Computer Service. There scripts were executed that took advantage of exploits in Microsoft products, QuickTime and WinZip.

Another twist was that emails were sent that proclaimed particular musical artists had released a new video on YouTube that even MTV had not received yet.

Solution: Do Not open emails from unknown senders.